Affirmation: Letting Go
Knowing there is a power within the universe and knowing this power is in and through me, I know I am at one with all things and therefore at peace within. This peace allows me the freedom to let go of thoughts, feelings and actions which only hold me back, that restrict me in achieving what I want to achieve.
I am totally at one with the universal love force and recognize that love is what I need. I therefore release my fears; I let go. I let go my stubbornness, by inability to be flexible in any and all situations. I embrace the knowing that the bigger picture of life I may not understand, but I let go and allow the universal love force to flow into me and fill me up. To fill me up to the brim with love and light. I am willing to let go and I am grateful that I am aware of this force that is within all things. I am grateful that I can let go with ease all things which restrict me and bring me into conflict. I am in peace because I am willing to let go, and therefore I am at peace. I say thank you with gratitude as I let go of this thought by saying, And So It Is.
I am totally at one with the universal love force and recognize that love is what I need. I therefore release my fears; I let go. I let go my stubbornness, by inability to be flexible in any and all situations. I embrace the knowing that the bigger picture of life I may not understand, but I let go and allow the universal love force to flow into me and fill me up. To fill me up to the brim with love and light. I am willing to let go and I am grateful that I am aware of this force that is within all things. I am grateful that I can let go with ease all things which restrict me and bring me into conflict. I am in peace because I am willing to let go, and therefore I am at peace. I say thank you with gratitude as I let go of this thought by saying, And So It Is.