My reading was very informative and helpful. The timeframe from my past life experiences was very accurate. The word That had the most power from my reading was “acceptance”.
Thank you.
Bonjour Norma,
I just want to share with you the great news:
I received today the confirmation of being selected for a 1 bedroom apart. in the brand new building in Squamish!
Until I can move in which is between Nov. and Jan. I can stay where I am now even if the golf season is over.
I thank you Norma for teaching me to have faith!
I thank you Norma for teaching me love, light, self-forgiveness, accepting the "IT" and much more!
Much gratitude to you,
Thank you tons Norma! Once again you have helped me open the door. I got a bunch of answers yesterday already after I asked for help and next step etc! Yes the reading was bang on and I do have the ability to get back on track for my joy all around . I had basically given up not wanting to live after my sister passed- survivor’s guilt and all that! Like I’ve done it all; am ready to go to the “better” place! Lol.
Well now I can get cleared- release- let go and not pick up the past / garbage as I’ve done tons of forgiveness- but I keep picking it up again and going through it all again so it’s good the reading showed am stuck ( I knew it - I just didn’t care anymore) However! It’s not fun 🤩. So as long as I’m alive I might as well get back to fun. Even if my sister isn’t here physically to share it she is watching me and helping (I get synchronicities constantly instantly) . You told me at another reading that you don’t know how I did it / got there- but I’m so connected- to use it- you wanted to push me over into it- Embrace it!
Yes grief kills. But Thank you I followed my intuition to get a reading and I am on my way with peace and self love and living. Dr. Joe Dispenza helps and Kyle Gray- raise my vibes!
Bless you Norma- I so appreciate your help!
Until next reading!
Much Love ( what a difference a day makes!)
From a small workshop; on transforming the inner memories:
I would like to thank you for the workshop this afternoon. It was very informative but also had a very great impact in my life!
I am grateful to have met you!
From my Part III Psychic Development Program:
This last weekend of ours has proven to be what I think is the final piece of the puzzle of my life. Seems the last pieces have fallen into place and I feel sane and complete! No dark spots at all :) Honestly I couldn’t be happier!
Thank you so very much Norma, I know I couldn’t have arrived here on my own.
J. - BC
It was a blessing to have you at the Centre, sharing your knowledge and skills with us. We love having you here! I’ve heard from several people who thought you were awesome and they learned a lot this past weekend.
Delta - BC
Norma. I deeply enjoy Exploring the Patterns of the Tarot. Thank you so much for writing it and sharing. I find that virtually everything I have ever learned in self-development courses and books through many years of study, and that which I see propagated as new age esoteric wisdom, is ALL in the Tarot.
J. - Vernon
I got the books (Pathways of the Tarot and Connecting to the Light) and they are wonderful. Thank you for writing them and sharing your philosophy. I like the grouping with numbers, as I notice this trend a lot. It is amazing how accurate the tarot can be and how eye-opening it has been for many. I appreciate your notes on how things just "are".
C.C. - Calgary
Hi Norma, I really enjoyed seeing you again and hearing your wonderful insights. I would also like to thank you for your book "Connecting to the Light". I found it most useful in dealing with my frozen children...turns out I had plenty of them. You're a wonderful healer and I am extremely grateful for the job you do. I hope that many people's lives will be enriched through your service, as was mine.
AI - Vancouver
Thanks for sending me the CD of the healing you did for me. I have been feeling really good since that healing.
A. - Surrey
Hi Norma, Wow, feel great. I must say I was prepared for subtle changes, but didn't realise it was going to happen so quickly. My first night I just went to sleep with no mind chatter and have been sleeping well ever since. Have been working on my room, painting furniture, hanging up my crystals etc. and feeling very magical. Thanks for the wonderful clearing and reading. Look forward to seeing you again next year. The members are wanting a longer time with you next time. You are very popular, not only for your Tarot skills but as a person as well. Thanks so much.
M. - N.Z.
Comments from students at an intensive:
Things are good a couple days after the reading (clearing). I feel good, happy, and light. I seem to have more energy and have a smile on. All good stuff. Thanks Norma.
G. - Alberta
I feel myself much better. You were right, I had a headache because my neck was out. Our last session is working, and I am much calmer and happier now.
A. - Vancouver
I just had to email you and tell you. I woke up at 2:00 this morning, and the ages of 14 & 28 rang so clear. At the age of 14 my handicapped cousin Robbie died suddenly. We were very close. He was only a couple of years older than me, but we spent every summer together growing up. My Aunt & Robbie would come from Calgary to the farm for 2-4 weeks every summer, and I would go up to their place too. Anyway, 2 months after Robbie died, I had Whooping Cough. I have never thought of what age I was, just that I was in grade 10 at the time.
Then I thought back to age 27 when I was in the relationship, and I never coughed at all while I was with him, that I can remember. But when the relationship ended a year later, I was coughing all the time after that and started going to the Respiratory specialist. So, I guess this all goes back to that abandonment issue again. Haha
NH - Alberta
Note from Norma: I had done a Soul Drawing and Reading for this client and had mentioned the above ages as when trauma had occurred to her and which I thought was an abandonment issue.
Norma, that healing you did for me was amazing! I have spent so long feeling anxious, fuzzy and unfocused that I had given up ever feeling normal again. Before the healing, I used to procrastinate like mad and then I would get even more anxious because I was even further behind. Then I couldn't sleep because I was so worried about everything that needed doing. It was wrecking my peace of mind and my physical health.
We have closed on the house and will be moving the first week of June. .. We looked at what you said about the house we chose--"Could really make you feel alive, have clarity--a very good place." Everything was resolved easily with the issue on the home - you were right about that also... I am very grateful for the guidance you have given me (us) and for the support you have offered on the journey. You are unique, Norma, in that you do not try to manage the healing process or offer a formula or prescribe a set of beliefs. What you offer is space, bringing to light what is blocking clients and opening a path to clarity and balance. When I think of you I think of Ganesh the Hindu god who is the remover of obstacles, creator of abundance. You offer the keys to these locked doorways in our minds and then allow us to walk through of our own volition. And when we move through this passage we find our own strength and marvel at the possibilities awaiting us. Thank you. Be well,
Mary - Calgary
I am so happy and filled with this lovely peace and joy. I love my life. I look over these past few years since we first started working together and can see the amazing changes that have happened from our clearing. I sold my business and have my dream job. I wanted to get up each day with a smile on my face and make a contribution to our planet. This year, I am living this every day. For this experience I Thank you for sharing your gift with me; you are fantastic!
With love, Cathy - Toronto
Since listening to your reading, I have felt a surge of quiet confidence and find I am being more active with suggestions to my clients. Your work has helped me to step into my personal power with greater ease. For this I thank you.
PA - Vancouver
Just wanted to say thank you for my soul drawing and reading. What you were saying made complete sense to me.
MA - Scotland
I was amazed at how precise and profound your insights through your prayers came through for me. Your work is probably some of the most thorough that I've ever experienced!
JW - Vancouver
I just wanted to drop you a line and thank you again for the work you did. I can really feel the changes in me and how I perceive things.
JM - Victoria
Thank you so much for the session last week. Some of the things you shared really spoke to me and have created a shift in myself and my relationship. It feels so good to be a little bit more alive and connected with myself and those around me.
LK - Calgary
Since the last session, I am for the most part feeling at peace with my life and the universe.
TA - Victoria
Norma, That was AWESOME!!!! Thank you so much. I'm most excited about your work. I already feel lighter (in spirit).
DA - Victoria
As always, I love your straight forwardness. Whenever I have a big decision, I think how would Norma handle this? - and it helps me cut through a whole bunch of the unimportant stuff and to see more clearly AND compassionately. I really benefited from our work together this year and look forward to talking to you soon.
KG - Tsawwassen
Just wanted to thank you again for this morning. I feel different. Calmer and peaceful for now. That is good. You are amazing.
AD - Abbotsford
I just want to thank you for such an interesting and powerful session last Friday. As you said, the effects are subtle yet significant. I feel like I have released so much negative stuff, and I have such a sense of being lighter and more whole (it is hard to describe, but I feel great!)
Elaine - Vancouver
Since my tarot reading last Tuesday, I have been listening to the tape and want to thank you for a really clear reading.
Jan - Vancouver
I think that at one time or another I've had most of the services that Norma offers, and I can highly recommend them all. Her Tarot readings have given me great insight and while I do believe that we all have our own path to walk and our lessons to learn, the more knowledge you have, the better the choices you can make.
The Soul Drawing and Reading that she did for me was very accurate and gave me a better understanding of myself. It also helped me identify areas I wanted to change and move forward with. I have also had several Soul/Source Connections with Norma to remove blocks that have been around for many lifetimes. I have found that this work accomplishes the release of blocks that I was not able to do on my own. From her viewpoint Norma is able to see the big picture, she can trace the block and patterning back to its source, no matter how many lifetimes ago, and then use the appropriate method to release it and bring the Source Energy back to flow the way that it was meant to.
I always feel different after this work has been done and have found that life flows with greater ease. It is my belief that we are here on Earth to grow our Souls, so the work is never completely done. Having a Soul/Source Connection certainly helps to peel back what is obvious and concerning us at the time, and then after that has settled we become aware of the next layer needing clearing. As I identify what it is I need to work with, I am grateful that Norma is there to help me through my Journey.
BH - Tsawwassen
It was a privilege to be present for my stepson’s profound healing session with you.
During the past 6 months he has really suffered a lot of confusion and depression. I knew your reputation I knew that you would be able to help break down the layers of chaos and reconnect his fragmented parts so he could feel peace and see the purpose for his life.
His expectations were infinitely exceeded! He was amazed at how clearly you could see and know his stories. He understood everything you explained to him, even though he seemed dazed. When we left and got into the car, he melted into tears ... so much weight was lifted, so much chaos calmed.
It wasn't long before his new-found peace and balance was challenged. Normally he would have fallen into despair because of his life pattern of LOSS. Well! His composed response ... he wasn't even aware of how he reacted til he was driving back home that night, when he recalled the encounter, and he realized he was FREE from that pattern!
He felt so different. He looked so different, even his face had changed. In fact, his friend, not knowing about his session, had made the same comment that evening when he returned home
T - Penticton
I downloaded the pdf file for the book (Pathways of the Tarot) you sent me....the beginning of the book is very motivational and I like the way you convey the message.
J - Puerto Rico
Thank you.
Bonjour Norma,
I just want to share with you the great news:
I received today the confirmation of being selected for a 1 bedroom apart. in the brand new building in Squamish!
Until I can move in which is between Nov. and Jan. I can stay where I am now even if the golf season is over.
I thank you Norma for teaching me to have faith!
I thank you Norma for teaching me love, light, self-forgiveness, accepting the "IT" and much more!
Much gratitude to you,
Thank you tons Norma! Once again you have helped me open the door. I got a bunch of answers yesterday already after I asked for help and next step etc! Yes the reading was bang on and I do have the ability to get back on track for my joy all around . I had basically given up not wanting to live after my sister passed- survivor’s guilt and all that! Like I’ve done it all; am ready to go to the “better” place! Lol.
Well now I can get cleared- release- let go and not pick up the past / garbage as I’ve done tons of forgiveness- but I keep picking it up again and going through it all again so it’s good the reading showed am stuck ( I knew it - I just didn’t care anymore) However! It’s not fun 🤩. So as long as I’m alive I might as well get back to fun. Even if my sister isn’t here physically to share it she is watching me and helping (I get synchronicities constantly instantly) . You told me at another reading that you don’t know how I did it / got there- but I’m so connected- to use it- you wanted to push me over into it- Embrace it!
Yes grief kills. But Thank you I followed my intuition to get a reading and I am on my way with peace and self love and living. Dr. Joe Dispenza helps and Kyle Gray- raise my vibes!
Bless you Norma- I so appreciate your help!
Until next reading!
Much Love ( what a difference a day makes!)
From a small workshop; on transforming the inner memories:
I would like to thank you for the workshop this afternoon. It was very informative but also had a very great impact in my life!
I am grateful to have met you!
From my Part III Psychic Development Program:
This last weekend of ours has proven to be what I think is the final piece of the puzzle of my life. Seems the last pieces have fallen into place and I feel sane and complete! No dark spots at all :) Honestly I couldn’t be happier!
Thank you so very much Norma, I know I couldn’t have arrived here on my own.
J. - BC
It was a blessing to have you at the Centre, sharing your knowledge and skills with us. We love having you here! I’ve heard from several people who thought you were awesome and they learned a lot this past weekend.
Delta - BC
Norma. I deeply enjoy Exploring the Patterns of the Tarot. Thank you so much for writing it and sharing. I find that virtually everything I have ever learned in self-development courses and books through many years of study, and that which I see propagated as new age esoteric wisdom, is ALL in the Tarot.
J. - Vernon
I got the books (Pathways of the Tarot and Connecting to the Light) and they are wonderful. Thank you for writing them and sharing your philosophy. I like the grouping with numbers, as I notice this trend a lot. It is amazing how accurate the tarot can be and how eye-opening it has been for many. I appreciate your notes on how things just "are".
C.C. - Calgary
Hi Norma, I really enjoyed seeing you again and hearing your wonderful insights. I would also like to thank you for your book "Connecting to the Light". I found it most useful in dealing with my frozen children...turns out I had plenty of them. You're a wonderful healer and I am extremely grateful for the job you do. I hope that many people's lives will be enriched through your service, as was mine.
AI - Vancouver
Thanks for sending me the CD of the healing you did for me. I have been feeling really good since that healing.
A. - Surrey
Hi Norma, Wow, feel great. I must say I was prepared for subtle changes, but didn't realise it was going to happen so quickly. My first night I just went to sleep with no mind chatter and have been sleeping well ever since. Have been working on my room, painting furniture, hanging up my crystals etc. and feeling very magical. Thanks for the wonderful clearing and reading. Look forward to seeing you again next year. The members are wanting a longer time with you next time. You are very popular, not only for your Tarot skills but as a person as well. Thanks so much.
M. - N.Z.
Comments from students at an intensive:
- This week for me was amazing. The seven days gave me understanding and clarity of my natural gifts.
- The knowledge I have learnt in seven days takes most people a lifetime.
- I wish I would have had this workshop years ago. I found that not only was my intuitiveness opened up, it was a personal transformation/integration of myself.
- This week was more than I had ever thought it could be. I feel whole, complete, shiny and bright.
- Thank you for the new outlook on my life.
- This class has been truly life changing. I find myself filled with childlike excitement to move on to the next phase of my growth utilizing my new found tools.
- You have saved me thousands of dollars and years of therapy.
- Your teachings are priceless.
Things are good a couple days after the reading (clearing). I feel good, happy, and light. I seem to have more energy and have a smile on. All good stuff. Thanks Norma.
G. - Alberta
I feel myself much better. You were right, I had a headache because my neck was out. Our last session is working, and I am much calmer and happier now.
A. - Vancouver
I just had to email you and tell you. I woke up at 2:00 this morning, and the ages of 14 & 28 rang so clear. At the age of 14 my handicapped cousin Robbie died suddenly. We were very close. He was only a couple of years older than me, but we spent every summer together growing up. My Aunt & Robbie would come from Calgary to the farm for 2-4 weeks every summer, and I would go up to their place too. Anyway, 2 months after Robbie died, I had Whooping Cough. I have never thought of what age I was, just that I was in grade 10 at the time.
Then I thought back to age 27 when I was in the relationship, and I never coughed at all while I was with him, that I can remember. But when the relationship ended a year later, I was coughing all the time after that and started going to the Respiratory specialist. So, I guess this all goes back to that abandonment issue again. Haha
NH - Alberta
Note from Norma: I had done a Soul Drawing and Reading for this client and had mentioned the above ages as when trauma had occurred to her and which I thought was an abandonment issue.
Norma, that healing you did for me was amazing! I have spent so long feeling anxious, fuzzy and unfocused that I had given up ever feeling normal again. Before the healing, I used to procrastinate like mad and then I would get even more anxious because I was even further behind. Then I couldn't sleep because I was so worried about everything that needed doing. It was wrecking my peace of mind and my physical health.
We have closed on the house and will be moving the first week of June. .. We looked at what you said about the house we chose--"Could really make you feel alive, have clarity--a very good place." Everything was resolved easily with the issue on the home - you were right about that also... I am very grateful for the guidance you have given me (us) and for the support you have offered on the journey. You are unique, Norma, in that you do not try to manage the healing process or offer a formula or prescribe a set of beliefs. What you offer is space, bringing to light what is blocking clients and opening a path to clarity and balance. When I think of you I think of Ganesh the Hindu god who is the remover of obstacles, creator of abundance. You offer the keys to these locked doorways in our minds and then allow us to walk through of our own volition. And when we move through this passage we find our own strength and marvel at the possibilities awaiting us. Thank you. Be well,
Mary - Calgary
I am so happy and filled with this lovely peace and joy. I love my life. I look over these past few years since we first started working together and can see the amazing changes that have happened from our clearing. I sold my business and have my dream job. I wanted to get up each day with a smile on my face and make a contribution to our planet. This year, I am living this every day. For this experience I Thank you for sharing your gift with me; you are fantastic!
With love, Cathy - Toronto
Since listening to your reading, I have felt a surge of quiet confidence and find I am being more active with suggestions to my clients. Your work has helped me to step into my personal power with greater ease. For this I thank you.
PA - Vancouver
Just wanted to say thank you for my soul drawing and reading. What you were saying made complete sense to me.
MA - Scotland
I was amazed at how precise and profound your insights through your prayers came through for me. Your work is probably some of the most thorough that I've ever experienced!
JW - Vancouver
I just wanted to drop you a line and thank you again for the work you did. I can really feel the changes in me and how I perceive things.
JM - Victoria
Thank you so much for the session last week. Some of the things you shared really spoke to me and have created a shift in myself and my relationship. It feels so good to be a little bit more alive and connected with myself and those around me.
LK - Calgary
Since the last session, I am for the most part feeling at peace with my life and the universe.
TA - Victoria
Norma, That was AWESOME!!!! Thank you so much. I'm most excited about your work. I already feel lighter (in spirit).
DA - Victoria
As always, I love your straight forwardness. Whenever I have a big decision, I think how would Norma handle this? - and it helps me cut through a whole bunch of the unimportant stuff and to see more clearly AND compassionately. I really benefited from our work together this year and look forward to talking to you soon.
KG - Tsawwassen
Just wanted to thank you again for this morning. I feel different. Calmer and peaceful for now. That is good. You are amazing.
AD - Abbotsford
I just want to thank you for such an interesting and powerful session last Friday. As you said, the effects are subtle yet significant. I feel like I have released so much negative stuff, and I have such a sense of being lighter and more whole (it is hard to describe, but I feel great!)
Elaine - Vancouver
Since my tarot reading last Tuesday, I have been listening to the tape and want to thank you for a really clear reading.
Jan - Vancouver
I think that at one time or another I've had most of the services that Norma offers, and I can highly recommend them all. Her Tarot readings have given me great insight and while I do believe that we all have our own path to walk and our lessons to learn, the more knowledge you have, the better the choices you can make.
The Soul Drawing and Reading that she did for me was very accurate and gave me a better understanding of myself. It also helped me identify areas I wanted to change and move forward with. I have also had several Soul/Source Connections with Norma to remove blocks that have been around for many lifetimes. I have found that this work accomplishes the release of blocks that I was not able to do on my own. From her viewpoint Norma is able to see the big picture, she can trace the block and patterning back to its source, no matter how many lifetimes ago, and then use the appropriate method to release it and bring the Source Energy back to flow the way that it was meant to.
I always feel different after this work has been done and have found that life flows with greater ease. It is my belief that we are here on Earth to grow our Souls, so the work is never completely done. Having a Soul/Source Connection certainly helps to peel back what is obvious and concerning us at the time, and then after that has settled we become aware of the next layer needing clearing. As I identify what it is I need to work with, I am grateful that Norma is there to help me through my Journey.
BH - Tsawwassen
It was a privilege to be present for my stepson’s profound healing session with you.
During the past 6 months he has really suffered a lot of confusion and depression. I knew your reputation I knew that you would be able to help break down the layers of chaos and reconnect his fragmented parts so he could feel peace and see the purpose for his life.
His expectations were infinitely exceeded! He was amazed at how clearly you could see and know his stories. He understood everything you explained to him, even though he seemed dazed. When we left and got into the car, he melted into tears ... so much weight was lifted, so much chaos calmed.
It wasn't long before his new-found peace and balance was challenged. Normally he would have fallen into despair because of his life pattern of LOSS. Well! His composed response ... he wasn't even aware of how he reacted til he was driving back home that night, when he recalled the encounter, and he realized he was FREE from that pattern!
He felt so different. He looked so different, even his face had changed. In fact, his friend, not knowing about his session, had made the same comment that evening when he returned home
T - Penticton
I downloaded the pdf file for the book (Pathways of the Tarot) you sent me....the beginning of the book is very motivational and I like the way you convey the message.
J - Puerto Rico